This little snippet of celebrity news involving a very expensive car belonging to rapper Kanye West, and an automatic gate at girlfriend Kim Kardashian’s house came across our desk last week.
Automatic Gate Experts
Unfortunately, there were no automatic gate experts on hand (Leo was working elsewhere that day!) to let us know exactly what happened, so we’ll just have to assume that it was either a case of poor driving, or of a faulty sensor causing the gate to not open, or close, fully.
Safety Sensors
While we can’t do anything about the poor driving, happily we can do something about the sensors.
In fact, we even have it in our terms and conditions (#14, if you’re looking) that Alpha Gate Automation highly recommends you have photoelectric safety sensors fitted as part of your installation to prevent the premature closing of the gate.
We like to think of it as just one of those little things we do that makes the difference between a professionally installed gate, and a DIY kit fitted at the weekend.
Happy Endings
And if the thought of an injured Lamborghini is painful to you, the story was that the damage was superficial and able to be buffed out in a couple of hours.
(Oh, we’d also like to offer our apologies to any C.S. Lewis fans for the title of this post…)